Inspired by millions of tiny lights

News, updates, and general rambling from the crew at Pixelscopic

Wherein Our Heroes Start A Blog

... and saw that it was good

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How do you begin a series? The nor­mal cliché of jour­neys begin­ning with some large num­ber of steps cer­tain­ly applies to this, our inau­gur­al blog post­ing. But is there any “right” way to start as you mean to go on? Per­haps div­ing right in and swim­ming is the best course of action:

We are Pixelscopic.

We are — pri­mar­i­ly — a game com­pa­ny, but one with a vari­ety of tal­ents that we apply to graph­ic design, web­sites, motion graph­ics, and appli­ca­tion development.

We are rel­a­tive­ly young, hav­ing been in exis­tence a bit over two years at this point.

We are expe­ri­enced, with a com­bined total of 19 years of knowl­edge and a hand in over 40 games. We’ve worked on a vari­ety of plat­forms, includ­ing Wii, DS, GBAXBLA, PC, Mac & iOS.

We’ve done a big thing or two, with more on their way. We have tons of con­cepts and ideas float­ing around — if only time and mon­ey were infinite!

We’re cur­rent­ly work­ing on a 2D action RPG full of scoundrels and princess­es and hearts and shift­ing dun­geon mazes and some cool meta-gamey non­sense. Rooms that change based on your actions, puz­zles, decep­tions! All with some fun physics con­trols; we’ll post more on this soon.

In the com­ing weeks we’ll be writ­ing here more reg­u­lar­ly, about a vari­ety of things. This will be our devlog and art show­case, a place to share things we find neat‑o and gripe about stuff that real­ly burns our bis­cuits, to com­ment on cur­rent events and spec­u­late about the future. Stay tuned for more updates.

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