Inspired by millions of tiny lights

News, updates, and general rambling from the crew at Pixelscopic

Recap: Kickstarter, PAX East, and the Road Ahead

It’s been awhile since we’ve post­ed any­thing on our blog — the bet­ter part of 2 months in fact — because we have been incred­i­bly busy. Like… inde­scrib­ably so. Unimag­in­ably. But all for good! Here, let me recount what’s been cookin’:

Delver’s Drop Kickstarter:

If you’re read­ing this you’re prob­a­bly up-to-date on recent events, but just in case: the Delver’s Drop Kick­starter end­ed on March 12th after hav­ing raised an amaz­ing $150,745 — over 200% more than our base­line goal! To say that we are amazed, hum­bled, and incred­i­bly thank­ful would be an under­state­ment. As if that was­n’t enough, we put up a Pay­Pal dona­tion method for fans who could­n’t back through Kick­starter and raised anoth­er $5,051!

Because of the mas­sive amount of sup­port we reached the fol­low­ing stretch goals:

  • Lin­ux at launch!
  • Con­tent Expan­sion: +1 playable class, +1 zone
  • local 4‑Player Co-op Horde Mode
  • local 4‑Player Com­pet­i­tive Deatchmatch
  • local 2‑Player Co-op “Com­pan­ion” Mode
  • 100-Room Puz­zle Labyrinth

PAX East 2013:

Photo from PAX East 2013

All set up before Day 1, tak­ing a short break before the insan­i­ty begins.

Imme­di­ate­ly after the whirl­wind awe­some­ness of Kick­starter, we packed our bags and head­ed to Boston for PAX East 2013. We were again proud to be a part of the ever-grow­ing Indie Mega­booth and enjoyed a pre­mo spot along one of the main show floor thoroughfares.

We showed off an ear­ly demo of the End­less Drop game­play mode to the hun­gry mass­es and it was uni­ver­sal­ly well-received. We had a chance to hang out with fel­low devs we’ve met pre­vi­ous­ly and make some new friends in the com­mu­ni­ty. We gave out around ~5k pins. We ate some fresh seafood. It was good.

Photo from PAX East 2013

So many buttons!

As always it was incred­i­bly awe­some to meet new peo­ple; we even got a few pieces of fan art which were then care­ful­ly pack­aged and brought back with us to Spring­field. Chat­ting with PAX­ers about our game is exhil­a­rat­ing — we were def­i­nite­ly hoarse by the end.

It was a great time, and we’re look­ing for­ward to Prime in Seat­tle. And now that we’ve sur­vived PAX with only a minor case of the PAX Pox, we’re now on to…


Moving Forward

Our nose is to the grind­stone on Delver’s Drop! We’re incred­i­bly excit­ed about work­ing on this game full-time for the first time in its brief his­to­ry of exis­tence. As many of you know all devel­op­ment on the project has been boot­strapped dur­ing our extra time and as spare change allows. Now thanks to all of your sup­port through Kick­starter we get to work 100% full steam ahead. Expect progress to be made much more rapid­ly, and we’re com­mit­ting to the following:

Addi­tion­al­ly, we hope to post more mus­ings on games and enter­tain­ment as time allows — don’t hold us to that though 🙂 Stay tuned for more soon!

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