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News, updates, and general rambling from the crew at Pixelscopic

PAX Prime, the MEGABOOTH, Delver’s Drop! Oh my!

Gibbering Giddiness

Big things are afoot! This week has seen the release of the updat­ed web­site for the PAX Prime Indie Mega­booth com­plete with the full ros­ter of game stu­dios and a sam­pling of the games they’ll be show­ing. There will be some pret­ty awe­some stuff shown there with more games than you can shake a point­ed wood­en imple­ment at in a space the size of rough­ly *one* AAA stu­dio’s nor­mal booth area. We’re going to be packed in there pret­ty tight and cozy.


Now, I say “We” because Pix­elscop­ic is extra­or­di­nar­i­ly hon­ored and excit­ed to be includ­ed in this pow­er­house line­up. Yessiree we’re going to be pack­ing our bags and fly­ing our mer­ry butts to Seat­tle in less than a week to show of our first whol­ly orig­i­nal game next to the likes of sea­soned indie vets and rel­a­tive new­com­ers like our­selves. We attend­ed PAX Dev last year and the first day of Prime but only as observers — what a dif­fer­ence a year makes yah? To show our extreme lev­el of orga­ni­za­tion I present our trav­el schedule:

  1. Group A (Bak­er, Bur­rell, Coby) leave Spring­field on 29th at 12 pm.
  2. Group B (Ankur) leaves Colum­bia at when­ev­er he needs to.
  3. Group A picks up Group B at Group B’s mom’s home.
  4. Group A+B pro­ceed to Air­port — Kansas City, form­ing meta Group C.
  5. Group C flies to Air­port — Denver.
  6. Group C flies to Air­port — Seattle.
  7. Group C rush­es around like rabid mice to set­up booth.
  8. ???

Delver’s Drop

Now, I men­tioned this game thing a sec­ond ago. It’s kind of a big deal for us. It’s called Delver’s Drop, it’s a 2D action RPG and it has its own web­site: It also has a newslet­ter signup so we can send you sweet whis­per­ings of awe­some­ness as the game gets clos­er to com­ple­tion and ful­fill­ing its des­tiny of great­ness — this is some­thing you should do. We’ll be post­ing more updates about it soon, includ­ing game art, a trail­er of some form, screen­shots, all that good gam­i­fied com­fort food. Suf­fice to say for now that it involves scoundrels, a mad king, princess­es, mys­ter­ies, and a giant hole…

If you hap­pen to be traips­ing through Seat­tle and man­aged to snag a PAX pass in the two day peri­od they were avail­able before sell­out… we’d love to talk to you at our booth! Stop by, ask us about our game, give it a spin, tell us about your pet cat, what­ev­er: Booth #881.

To bring this boat full cir­cle, I’m clos­ing with the Indie Mega­booth Trail­er of Sheer Joy™. Delver’s get’s its 4 sec­onds of fame at about 0:47:

[vimeo width=“600” height=“337”][/vimeo]

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