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News, updates, and general rambling from the crew at Pixelscopic

Delver’s Drop: Website, Greenlight, Trailer, and Kickstarter

It’s a real­ly excit­ing time for all of us here at Pix­elscop­ic. Ear­li­er this evening (mid­night CST to be exact) we launched a brand new site for Delver’s Drop , post­ed the game’s first offi­cial trail­er, dropped the game onto Green­light, and launched a Kick­starter!

If you are lik­ing the looks of the game, please con­sid­er giv­ing us an upvote on Green­light and even back­ing us on Kick­starter. Every upvote and pledge helps and we are very grate­ful for you support.

The future is exciting!



4 wise words on “Delver’s Drop: Website, Greenlight, Trailer, and Kickstarter

  1. You guys are like GameDev Assas­sins with that “We strike at mid­night” Business 🙂 

    Great job guys!

    PS. I was told by an email there would be Big hugs, from the Pix­elscop­ic Crew…

  2. Interested on said:

    I’ve had my eye on Delver’s Drop and I got­ta admit, you guys are super tal­ent­ed. The game looks amaz­ing! Huge con­grat­u­la­tions on mak­ing your Kick­starter!! You all deserve it. I have nev­er backed a kick­starter before and I real­ly want to back Delver’s Drop, but there’s one thing hold­ing me back. Will you be able to play as a female char­ac­ter in the release or any future update of Delver’s Drop? 

    If you can con­firm that for me with­in the next 26 hours before the Kick­starter ends, I will sign up and back you guys on the spot! 

    Thanks a bunch, keep up the great work!

    • Thank you for the com­pli­ments, Interested 🙂

      In short: Yes, female characters.

      The longer answer: Some female char­ac­ters. At this point in time we’re going with the plan that some class­es are always female (like the Rogues) and some would always been male (say, the Glad­i­a­tors). We’d like to make art for both gen­ders for all class­es, but that effec­tive­ly dou­bles the amount of art assets we would need to cre­ate for class­es. This is large­ly just a time-relat­ed prob­lem, and it may boil down to a post-launch con­tent patch.

      I hope that answers your question!

      • Interested on said:

        Holy crap that was fast! I did­n’t even real­ly respect a response! Thanks a ton for the quick answer 🙂 Con­grats, I will now go throw my mon­ey at your kick­starter! Hehe I was CONVINCED the rogue was a girl, but I could­n’t see it con­firmed anywhere 🙂

        Seri­ous­ly, lots of respect for you guys. I’ve nev­er seen a game, still unfund­ed and in the kick­starter phase, look­ing so pol­ished and com­plete. I’m sure there’s still a long way to go, but your game’s gonna rock. Thanks for being so pro­fes­sion­al and nice, keep it up!