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News, updates, and general rambling from the crew at Pixelscopic

Classes for Voting Announced / The Forums

The big news this week is twofold: we’ve post­ed an update on our Kick­starter page with the pool of six class­es for back­ers to vote on for inclu­sion into the game (yay for dupli­cate infor­ma­tion!) and we unveiled the Pix­elscop­ic / Delver’s Drop forums for all the world to enjoy. These are both things we know peo­ple have been eager­ly await­ing and we’re exceed­ing­ly excit­ed about them.

Hey, kid, you’ve got Class(es)

Delver's Drop classes for voting



You can read the full post on the Kick­starter page here, includ­ing larg­er con­cept art of each class and some details about their default weapon and spe­cial abil­i­ties. In short, the class­es are from left-to-right: Bard, Tem­plar, Beast­keep­er, Hunts­man, Assas­sin, Ele­men­tal­ist. Each of these occu­pies a spe­cial place in our hearts, and it will be real­ly inter­est­ing to see which three the com­mu­ni­ty decides should be includ­ed. Addi­tion­al­ly, we’ll soon be post­ing an update about the Kick­starter-spe­cif­ic class and the bonus class that was unlocked by a $2k backer. Stay tuned!

The Forums, they live!

Screenshot of the Pixelscopic forums

We unveiled the Pix­elscop­ic / Delver’s Drop forums rough­ly 36 hours ago, and in that time we’ve had over 450 mem­bers reg­is­ter and almost 500 posts… crikey! We’re tick­led with inde­scrib­able joy that even in their short lifes­pan the forums already have become home to inter­est­ing and insight­ful con­ver­sa­tion. We’ve tak­en par­tic­u­lar inter­est in the Intro­duce Your­self thread and get­ting to know a lit­tle bit more about our back­ers and their real-life hob­bies and inter­ests. We’ve also been keep­ing an eye on sev­er­al oth­er threads with some very inter­est­ing spec­u­la­tion and intel­li­gent con­ver­sa­tion about game mechan­ic ideas. We’ve even set­up a spot for some fan art sub­mis­sions. While we will be set­ting up restrict­ed access to cer­tain boards when the Alpha and Beta ses­sions roll around, every­thing else is open to the pub­lic — stop by and vis­it, we’d love to chat with you there!

Bonus: Devlogs

You may not know, but our lead (and cur­rent­ly only) pro­gram­mer Coby has a more tech­ni­cal­ly-ori­ent­ed devlog that he updates over on the TIG Source forums. We’ll be back-port­ing these to our blog here for archival rea­sons in the future, but in the mean­time you can check out some of the more pro­to­typ­i­cal progress that has been made on Delver’s Drop since it’s ini­tial creation.

Until next time!

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