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News, updates, and general rambling from the crew at Pixelscopic

Post-PAX Report of Stupendous Proportions (Part 2)

Round 2. Ding.



It’s hard to fig­ure out where to even begin talk­ing about the expe­ri­ence. Per­haps this is the easy way out of that predica­ment, but it seems fit­ting to start with “thanks.” Thank you Kel­ly, Fire­hose Games, and the oth­er devel­op­ers in the Mega­Booth who allowed us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to even be at PAX.  Thank you Ben for being The Solu­tion. Thank you Bill at Reed Expo, Rita at GES, and mys­te­ri­ous gen­tle­man from Intel for the logis­tics and equip­ment. Thank you to all the atten­dees who stopped by, played our game, talked to us, gave us invalu­able feed­back, and made the show a huge suc­cess for us. A dou­ble thank you to those who came back on mul­ti­ple days and tried the new builds! Thank you to the press and media folks who thought our game worth the time to cov­er. Thank you to Pen­ny Arcade for throw­ing such an awe­some event in the first place.

Most of all, thank you to the seri­ous­ly hard work­ing dudes and dudettes who are my col­leagues and the deep sup­port­ing cast that make the mag­ic pos­si­ble: Ryan 1, Ryan 2,  Ankur, Nathan 1, Nathan 2, Jar­rett, Renee, Lor­raine, and Chelsea. You all seri­ous­ly, thun­der­ous­ly, rock. (Thank God this is the dig­i­tal age where I can append names should I erro­neous­ly for­get one here.)

With the for­mal­i­ties out of the way, I’ve only one thing to add: I’m stu­pen­dous­ly excit­ed that there are plen­ty of oth­er folks out there who seem to enjoy and desire the same kinds of games that we enjoy and desire and want to make. PAX was a direct injec­tion of opti­mism that we sore­ly need­ed after a few years of con­tract game devel­op­ment work and seem­ing­ly sput­ter­ing inter­nal devel­op­ment. Delver’s Drop devel­op­ment is only just now begin­ning to real­ly accel­er­ate and we’ll be work­ing to craft some­thing exquis­ite­ly enjoy­able. Glad to have you along for the ride!

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